The Hawarden Independent, June 15, 1944


Pvt. Chas. C. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Robinson of near Hudson, has been posthumously awarded the order of the Purple Heart.  In a letter of sympathy from the War Department, signed by Henry L. Stimson, his parents were notified that the medal is being sent to them.

Although the parents have received no positive proof that their son is dead, the War Department apparently assumed that he sacrificed his life in the service of his country.  Pvt. Robinson was reported missing on May 7, 1942, in the Philippines.  Now word was received about him and the government, on May 8, 1944, two years later, officially presumed that he was dead.

Pvt. Robinson joined the Army on July 8, 1941.  He left for Manila on November 1, of the same year.  He arrived there just before Pearl Harbor.  A letter written upon his arrival was received by his parents.  Since then, they have had no definite news from him.

Mr. and Mrs. Robinson believe that he might have escaped from the Japs and that he is hiding somewhere in the islands.  They have two other sons in the service, both Navy men.  Frank W. Robinson, M.M.S. 3/c, has been stationed for two years at Glenview, Ill.  Bernard Earl Robinson, A.M.M., seaman first class, is serving somewhere on an aircraft carrier.

Source:  The Hawarden Independent, June 15, 1944

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