The Hawarden Independent, August 20, 1942

Air Corps Private Believed To Have Fought on Bataan, Corregidor;
Landed at Manila, Nov. 17

Pvt. Charles G. Robinson was reported missing in action in the Philippines in a letter received last week by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson of near Hudson.  His fate at the time of the fall of Corregidor is unknown, the message from the War Department said.

The letter inferred that Private Robinson fought in the epic stand of the Americans and Filipinos on Bataan peninsula and again on Corregidor island.  The message was signed by Maj. J. A. Ulio of the adjutant general’s office.

“In Last Days…”
“In the last days before the surrender of Bataan,” he said, “there were casualties which were not reported to the War Department.  Conceivably the same is true of Corregidor and possibly of other islands in the Philippines.”

The War Department hopes, he said, to get a list of the prisoners captured by the Japanese in the Philippines.

23 Years Old.
Private Robinson is 23 years old and is in the air corps.  He arrived in Manila Nov. 17, of last year.  Last previous word his parents had gotten from him was a letter written Nov. 20, which arrived Dec. 3.  He is a native of Hawarden, but attend school in Hudson.  He is a graduate of Hudson high school.

Private Robinson is the second soldier from this vicinity to be listed as missing.  George Embrock, who was on Java at the time of its capitulation, was reported missing last June.

Source: The Hawarden Independent, August 20, 1942

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