Oct 24, 1941

Oct 24, 1941

Dear Dad,

We are just a few miles out of K.C., MO. as I thought I would drop you a line and let you know where I was at. We left Savannah about 4 P.M. Wednesday. We have come through mountains most of the way to St. Louis. Some of the principal(?) cities we’ve hit our Chattanooga, Nashville, Stevensville and St. Louis. We’ve crossed seven states so far. Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri.

We sure have been eating good so far. All the apples, oranges, bananas. Had pie for dinner yesterday and ice cream and cake for supper. Not bad. I guess they want to keep us happy.

Have you got the corn picked yet? I sure would like to come home & help if they‘d let me.

How is uncle George getting along? Give him my best wishes. Be sure and write right away so I’ll get your letters before I leave Frisco. I don’t know yet how long will be there.

Tell everyone hello for me and take care of yourself.

Love Charlie


This train rocks so much I can’t write straight.

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