July 25, 1941

Camp Roberts, Calif.
July 25, 1941

Dear Folks,

I received your letter yesterday. I was sure glad to hear from you. It seems like it has been 2 months instead of 2 weeks since I left.

Well I’m still in the Army. We are really drilling now. From 6:00 A.M. until 3:30 P.M. with one hour and a half off for dinner. It has been a little cooler lately, Thank heaven. They sure keep a person healthy here. Early to bed & Extra Early to rise, Plenty of good wholesome food and lots of exercise of all kinds.

We had inspection today. We had to lay out all our equipment. The metal had to shine so that you could use it for a mirror. Then we had to stand at attention while the officers inspected our barracks. Our section was the best in the battery I heard.

Tuesday night about 8 O’clock I was called out on fire duty again. We went about 50-60 miles in trucks & then got out & walked another mile or so to the fire. We had to built a cold trail (a cold trail is a trench about 6 inch deep & 2 ft. wide along the edge of the burned area) over 90 miles long up & down mountains & across canyons. Most places a person could hardly stand up. We worked until 10:00 A.M. before we got done & then we stood guard, so that no sparks flew over & start a new fire, until 11:30 before more men came to relieve us. We didn’t get back to Camp until 5 P.M. & it was 8 P.M. before I went to bed. That made about 40 hours of steady grind without a wink of sleep. Boy I really slept that night until 4:30 A.M. (Getting up time)

I am sending a sheet of paper along with some of the dope on Camp Roberts. I am also sending a couple of pictures of myself which I had taken at Ft. Leavenworth.

Have you heard any more about were Jack went to from Leavenworth? I wish he would be sent out here.
Well I guess I had better close now. Hoping this finds you all well. I will sign off.

 With Love
Charles GR.

P.S. How much did Duane get for the Chev?
Tell Velda & Folks I will answer all letters they write. Also say hello to everyone back there for me.

So Long
Charles G Robinson

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